
To be here you must enjoy Harry Potter and band.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Google project is now done, more in the future?

This project has been very interesting and beneficial to me! I had not realized how hard composing is without piano skills, so along the way I learned some knowledge of how the cords and harmonization should sound with each other. After learning basic and essential skills, my group and I worked together to fit the piece to our instruments, while still having it sound good. A feat that I never thought would be so difficult! After accomplishing our goal, I feel very proud of the piece that we have created as well as feeling a new found respect for all composers. Writing three parts was hard, imagining composing for a whole band would be extremely difficult! I would love to do this project again, especially since my group has already started brainstorming other ideas. :) If I had the skills for it, I would continue composing but that may be my next project, learning piano and more about music theory!
I will miss this google project,

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