
To be here you must enjoy Harry Potter and band.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Google day!

fixing small problem areas went well, now onto actually practicing this! YAY! Now we just need to find a good way to record the piece so we can present it to the class...



We've started to fix the tiny little issues in our song and are almost ready to record. I'm so excited!


Sunday, November 6, 2011


We got A  LOT of work done today (YAY!). We finished writing out the song and discusses how we could improve on the musicality of our compilation. We took a video of our success and HERE IT IS:

Productive day with top ramen!!

Today we miraculously finished our score!! YAY!! We now need to make some more edits but the basic body for all three parts is there. thank goodness! it took some great teamwork and I now have a much greater appreciation for those who do this for a living. After finishing our score, we promised ourselves some nice top ramen. what a great celebrating food!



We've finally finished our project!!! The rough draft of our music score is finished!!! I'm so excited to get down and fix all the litlte spots soon!
